Monday, 14 May 2012

The Horror

In an attempt to suck up to the top tier Law schools my university decided to schedule every single law paper in a row with the result that we all lived through a week of absolute agony, cheap energy drinks and endless case-files. At one point all the caffeine and nicotene mixed together made me feel so twisted that I was twitching all over the place as if insects were crawling up and down me. Somehow or another we all survived and all of us deserve a huge *hulk smash* pat on the back for coming out alive. Lord in heaven, without someone watching over me I would have caved in under the pressure, in fact 2 hrs before each paper some random girl who nobody had ever EVER seen before would post her notes on the LLB forum, I subsequently accused her of being some kind of godsend and there are still many unanswered questions about this mysterious figure. 

For 5 days I was pushed to my limits I'd memorise one pile of case-law forget all about it and revise the next bunch in less than 24 hrs, rinse, repeat. Now that I have nothing to do (well I have a French exam on the 22nd but that's so easy in comparison it doesn't count and after consecutive papers the 22nd is light years away) I feel listless and bothered. 

I see myself sitting here, accomplishing absolutely nothing asking metaphysical questions about the nature of existence. After the celebratory dinner at Wagamama's I went and saw the Avengers which was pretty good considering it was just a load of action sequences strung together with a flimsy plot. Full marks for everything else 0 marks for depth (which is why batman will always be the best superhero flick). 

I did the laundry today, cleaned up a bit, cashed in on some book vouchers, returned all my library books, still part of me actually misses the intensity of the week that just went by. Depending on the status of my internships I'll be going back to Peshawar soon, my father is flying over for a conference next week so at least I'll get to meet him, even if I end up going back later or not at all (again contingent on whatever the firms decide my fate will be).

Life's definitely moving too fast for me, people I went to school with are getting married. I'm already a year away from graduating. I wouldn't mind getting married if it was to Scarlett Johannson's behind, what a lovely thought to end with, the shapely Jewish posterior of perfection that is SJ's rear end.